When we think about teaching children, we must know how they are and how they are going to show us what they want.
Children need to be atracted by the things we want to introduce them. They are energetic and they need to understand what they are learning. The time they spend in their learning is longer, so we have to take advantage of it. Normally, they get bored, that is why our principle task is to make them feel attracted by a lot of different kinds of activities and physicall activities (role-playing, audiovisual, flashcards, games...). We need to let them be imaginative and creative. As emotionally exitable they are, we have to show a particular attention and affection to their needs.
Their learning is ciclical, that is, it is a must to teach in things and go in the same contents over and over again, due to, they learn more slowly and forget quickly. As a result, our objective is to take away the possibles distractions and situations where they could get bored, to achieve their interest and make them feel enthusiastic with what they are acquiring.
From that points emerges the idea of the need of a content and familiar context. Teaching the language must be related to their experiences, linking them in a more personal way. All this must be carried in familiar contexts where they feel comfortable and they have knowledge. Learning more visually turns into a crucial activity for us as teachers, because there they can express themselves.
Here you can find a drawing which shows the main point for teaching children:
Cristina Francisco.