I wanted to share this video because I found interesting that the orator expose the myths of teaching or speaking to babies in more than one language at the same time.
She talks about how easy it is to babies rather than an adult to pick up a language or two. For example, we can remember how hard it was for us or for our friends when we were in school learning English or another foreign language. And it does not matter how much we effort we rarely achieve native fluency.
So, since it is kind of difficult, she explains that we could create bilingual minds since the baby is born. A baby can become a native speaker of two languages if we talk to them since the beggining in both. With a machine called "magnetoencephalography" researchers have seen that the brain of a monolingual and a bilingual baby is different. A bilingual baby is able to process whatever language or languages that are present in the environment, and also, they have stronger brain responses to language sounds in the pre-frontal region because of the constant switching between different languages.
The studies show that the brain is fully able to specialise in two languages at the same time.
A myth that exist is that bilingualisms slowers language learning. But actually the patterns are very similar to what we see in monolingual learners.
So, will you make your future baby bilingual?
Carolina Araújo